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Will Diet Pills Work?

The promise of quick weight loss has attracted many people since diet pills appeared on the market. With increased pressure being placed on the nation to be thin, it is no wonder that so many people are turning to celebrity diets to get the figure they have always dreamed of. Celebrities are plastered over glossy front covers and are on every channel on television — there is no escaping them, and the negative body image they can give people, with their stick-thin figures. However, celebrities have to work extremely hard to get these figures, and the exact lengths that they go through are not always made public knowledge. Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight and maintain a svelte figure, though, knows just how much work it is.

One of the celebrity crazy ways to lose weight that has been adopted by a vast amount of people in the western world is diet pills. In fact, over six billion dollars is spent every year on weight loss pills in the United States alone. You can either get them over the counter under certain brand names — two examples are Zantrex, and Dexatrim, or you may get them prescribed to you by a doctor.

Diet pills can work by suppressing your appetite and making your brain think that you are not hungry. Diet pills available over the counter (OTC) or non-prescription diet pills contain a combination of medications that act to control appetite. The hypothalamus is the part of your brain which regulates your appetite, and these appetite suppressing diet pills work by changing the signals sent to the hypothalamus, making it think you are full. OTC diet pills generally contain caffeine, it works by increasing basal metabolism and heart rate and thus giving the body more energy in workouts. This mechanism can be quite effective in quick weight loss. Ephedra, also known as Ma Huang acts, as a stimulant strengthening the effect on the heart rate and metabolism, and causing the body temperature to rise slightly, thereby burning calories quicker. It’s very effective in suppressing the appetite. The downside of ephedrine is that it increases heart rate and elevates blood pressure. FDA banned it in 2003 after there were cases that ephedrine caused arrhythmia and sudden death.

Another method of diet pills is known as the fat blocker. These pills stop as much fat from getting stored in your body and just let it pass straight through. Lipase is an enzyme found in your digestive system that breaks down and processes fat, to store it up. These fat-blocking diet pills stop lipase from working as well as it should, and therefore more fat passes through your system without being processed. Fat-blocking diet pills do contain rather bad side effects though and can cause uncomfortable stomach cramps and diarrhea.

The trend started by celebrities has seen many people replacing their meals with a single pill. Most people want remarkable weight loss results in the shortest time, the faster the better, and they usually do not feel concerned about any long-term side effects or health risks from taking such pills. A lot of people replace two of their meals with a pill and just have one evening meal — of something very light. This is very dangerous! Diet pills do not have any nutritional value, and therefore replacing healthy meals with a mere pill can be very dangerous to your general well-being and health.

Diet pills can also be addictive — the ‘it girl’ celebrity and star of The Simple Life, Nicole Richie lost a scary amount of weight following an addiction to Hoodia — a herbal diet pill that makes the brain think that you are constantly full. This addiction left Nicole Richie frighteningly thin and in poor health. There are many types of diet pills on the market. However, the most effective diet pill for one person may not be the most effective for another. In fact, most of the claims on diet pill labels are not scientifically proven to be effective and are usually unsafe. When buying weight loss pills, it is important to consult with your health care provider.

Dietary supplements

There are many supplements available in the market that will help to lose weight. Dietary supplements have also been used to promote weight loss, maintain a normal weight, and cure some metabolic abnormalities associated with obesity. Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) has been included in many diet pill formulas to suppress appetite, to prohibit the production of fatty acids from carbohydrates, and to inhibit weight gain. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is said to be effective to support weight management by inhibiting the body’s mechanism for fat storage and cause the body to make use of fatty reserves for energy expenditure. Omega 3 fatty acids added to diets have been shown to reduce body weight and blood lipid levels. Chitosan, a polymeric carbohydrate that can be derived from chitin, has the ability to bind fat (triacylglycerols and fatty acids) and absorb other lipids in the intestine. Chromium, typically in form of chromium picolinate, may enhance brain synthesis of serotonin that helps control appetite and sugar cravings, also help maintain a high metabolic rate to increase lean body mass and promote weight reduction. Other common components of weight loss supplements include caffeine, Yerba Mate, Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) from Green Tea Leaves, Capsaicin, Carnitine, St. John’s Wort, Hoodia Gordonii, and Citrus Aurantium. Unlike prescription weight-loss drugs, dietary supplements do not undergo scientific research and strict clinical trials because the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) classifies dietary supplements as foods, not medications. They should be taken after consultation with your doctor or dietitian. They work by suppressing appetite and boosting metabolism.

Diet Plans

In addition to the use of diet pills, various weight-loss diets have been proposed. There are six basic nutrients required by the body for the growth and maintenance of body tissue: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water. A good diet program should provide a well-balanced intake of these nutrients. There are many diet plans available that help reduces weight fast. The most famous commercial diet programs include the Atkins diet, the Weight Watchers diet, the Zone diet, and the South Beach diet. Before choosing a diet plan you should consult your doctor who can suggest a plan that is right for you. Choose a plan that is easy to follow and the one that suits you. However, diet planning assistance purely provides limited value in long-term weight loss because many rapid weight loss diets rely solely on reducing caloric intake or other ingredients that contribute to fat gain.

The Dangers of Diet Pills

It is important to know the pros and cons of taking diet pills in order to reduce your appetite or decrease fat absorption. Any time that you take a prescription drug, there can be serious potential side effects and it is important that you be under a competent physician’s care if you decide that this is the route that you want to take in order to achieve weight loss.

Even over-the-counter or herbal supplements that are available to take in order to help with weight loss can cause some significant side effects and should not be taken without consulting with a physician first. Some of the herbal ingredients work in the same way as prescription drugs do. Please do not just assume that a pill is safe because the formula is over the counter or sold from a health food store.

There are several different concerns particular to different types of diet pills. The first danger to discuss is many of the prescription drugs are of a stimulant type and have the propensity to be abused. This can lead to dependence on the medication and addiction as well. It is wise to discuss this with your physician and to know what signs or symptoms to look for concerning this.

Stimulant type diet pills can also increase blood pressure, cause dizziness, blurred vision, dry mouth, stomach or digestion problems, constipation, irritability, and sleeplessness. People who have high blood pressure, glaucoma, diabetes, overactive thyroid, or emotional instability should not take this drug. If you are taking this type of drug and experience these issues as well as chest pain or shortness of breath, inability to urinate, heart-pounding or palpitations, or swelling, you should stop taking the drug and inform your physician immediately.

The types of diet pills that reduce the appetite also have some concerns that need to be considered. When the appetite is lowered, the body takes in less food, this works to facilitate weight loss for a period of time. However, when the body gets used to taking in that amount of food, the metabolism has a tendency to slow as well. This is frequently called the plateau effect and is very discouraging for those wanting to lose weight. This is experienced by a lot of dieters who use the pills alone. The way to prevent this is to add exercise or activity to the present program as well as ingest some fat-burning foods to jump-start the metabolism again so weight loss progress can continue.

Diet pills that work by decreasing the amount of fats that are absorbed by the body can have some significant side effects as well. They can cause malabsorption of nutrients which can lower the immune system and cause illness in the person dieting. Other side effects include frequent and urgent stools, diarrhea-type stools, increased flatulence, and oily staining of stools.

It is important to the person considering this type of pill to be aware of these side effects and consult with their physician. This type of drug should not be taken by anyone with diabetes, malabsorption issues, gall bladder problems or had a cholecystectomy, have problems with their liver, have had an organ transplant, or taking cyclosporine.

As stated above, it is very important to consult with your physician prior to starting any diet or consuming any type of diet pill or weight loss supplement. You will need to give your physician a medical history if not done prior, and include any and all medical conditions present to see if you are a good candidate for a weight-loss drug.
